A Woman of Affairs: Greta Garbo's Lesbian Past
This was a 90 minutes lecture by Mary Wings with historian Eric Garber. In 1993, the lesbian novelist Mary Wings made a touching "Garbo tribute" with her friend Eric Garber, who had recently died of an AIDS-related illness.

Mary Wings
With clips from her best films and material from other sources, this look back at her career will attempt to begin an open and honest reevaluation of the public and private lives of one of the screen's brightest and most intriguing stars...
A Woman of Affairs - The Life of Greta Garbo
Distributor/Studio: Mary Wings
Producer: Garber, Eric, and Mary Wings
90 minutes, b/w video, English language
Garbo's lesbianism has been one of the best-kept Hollywood secrets during her life; now, after her death, it's already started to generate exciting posthumous speculation and publication.
Gay and lesbian historians have long been aware of Garbo's affairs; documentation can now be revealed without threat of litigation. With clips from her best films and material from other sources, this look back at her career will attempt to begin an open and honest reevaluation of the public and private lives of one of the screen's brightest and most intriguing stars.
Among the sources included, we'll be presenting segments from Garbo's lover Mercedes de Acosta's 1966 book Here Lies the Heart. She describes their topless vacation in Silver Lake (unexplained photos were published in Oui magazine), and also claims to have been the originator of Queen Christina, Garbo's most famous cross-dressing film.
Many unrealized projects between them included Garbo as Dorian Gray in Oscar Wilde's story of the same name (with Marilyn Monroe as a young girl ruined by Dorian!). Other information includes Louise Brooks' confession to her biographer that she and Garbo spent the night together. Even her gaze, tells Brooks, "was intense and eloquent."
New revelations about Garbo will not leave her in the shadowy realm of innuendo for much longer.
Thanks to RubyRed |