Private Pictures 1930's |
1930 Privates
Los Angeles/USA, 1930
Garbo trowing a medicine ball around a outdoor set or at home was a popular recreation in Hollywood. Greta often had to retrieve hers from the garden.
Los Angeles/USA, 1930

California/USA, 1930
Among friends, circa 1930; on the left sipping tea is actress Française Rosay, Salka Viertel is on Greta's immediate right; Wilhelm Sörensen and André Berley are in the background.

Greta and Salka Viertel

Los Angeles, California/USA, 1930
At home in Los Angeles.

1931 Privates
(in treatment) |
1932 Privates
Silverlake, Nevada/ USA 1932
Snapshots of a topless Garbo taken by Mercedes de Acosta when the two had a tryst in Silverlake, Nevada.

Many of those pictures are still unreleased

In 2001, the auction house Christie's East in New York sold at auction a unique and extensive archive of mementos relating to Greta Garbo that Mercedes de Acosta saved during the course of their friendship/relationship. Including were 24 (!!!) black&white unpublished pictures of a topless Garbo.

1933 Privates
Sweden or USA, March 26, 1933

Thanks to Mireille
Sweden, 1933

Thanks to Mireille
1934 Privates
(in treatment) |
1935 Privates

1936 Privates
Stockholm/Sweden, 1936
Garbo walking the Stockholmer streets with Count & Countess Wachtmeister and Frederik Nycanter.

1937 Privates
(in treatment) |
1938 Privates
(in treatment) |
1939 Privates
Hollywod/USA, 1939
Garbo and Gaylord Hauser


Undated Privates